What is Next for Secretariat?

Yes! Secretariat is coming home to Ashland. NO! Fundraising is not over…

Thanks to the generous donations made by hundreds of supporters, the Ashland Museum can officially purchase Jocelyn Russell’s beautiful bronze monument - “Secretariat Racing Into History.” But Secretariat for Virginia’s fundraising isn’t over the finish line yet.

What is next for Virginia’s equestrian champion? Before the sculpture’s return to the Center of the Universe, the whole project has to be bought and paid for. Installation, landscaping, benches, donor plaques, and informational signage must be constructed.

If fundraising is completed, a dedication ceremony will be held in the Center of the Universe in the spring of 2024. Randolph-Macon College campus has been selected as the location of the Secretariat sculpture - just across from the Ashland-Hanover Visitors Center beside Ashland’s Amtrak Station.

For additional information on the Secretariat monument project and to make your donation, visit www.SecretariatforVirginia.com and www.ashlandmuseum.org.