Honoring Our Veterans and Preserving Their Legacy

Manning Memorial Services, Ashland Virginia

For Manning Memorial Services, the question "Have you forgotten?" isn’t rhetorical—it’s a reminder of the importance of preserving our shared history. "You wouldn't believe how many people have forgotten," Manning says, referring to the number of unmarked graves in American cemeteries with no maps or records. "They are our veterans. They are America's veterans."

Ashland’s own Manning Memorial Services offers a comprehensive range of services including headstone and monument sales, expert care for cemetery plots, and specialized cleaning of both private monuments and government statues. They excel in the restoration of monuments, providing straightening, leveling, engraving, and repainting services to ensure every detail is preserved. Their team also assists with grave location services and supplies for funerals, including chair covers and graveside floral arrangements. With a deep commitment to veterans, they provide dedicated veteran services, including discounts for first responders and military entities. Manning Memorial Services partners with local governments for the cleaning and maintenance of memorials, ensuring that the legacy of service is upheld with the highest standards of care. Downtown Ashland is the next location to experience their expert care.

A Legacy Born from Service

Manning Memorial Services, Ashland Virginia

For Daniel Manning Jr., service is more than a job; it’s a calling rooted in his own experiences with loss and remembrance. Manning, who worked at the Pentagon during the tragic events of September 11, 2001, was transferred to Arlington National Cemetery afterward. "I ended up being the one who assigned the graves—for families and their loved ones," Manning recalls. His work went far beyond simply recording names and locations; it became a mission of uncovering forgotten history. "I uncovered graves from every era of American history—including the Civil War. I took every cracked, leaning, crumbling stone and saw they were cleaned and stood erect."

It was this responsibility that sparked his passion for preservation, a passion that now drives Manning Memorial Services. "I trained a lot of individuals to carry on the same tradition," Manning says. "That’s what inspired me—carrying on. Now, we're bringing that training to Ashland."

Manning’s work in Arlington has influenced his belief that not every hero finds rest in national cemeteries like Arlington. Many rest in local churchyards, county cemeteries, or even school grounds. "We follow up, find their final resting places, and preserve them. It takes a community to make sure that veteran graves are taken care of," says Manning. At Shiloh Baptist Church in Ashland alone, the company has identified 83 veterans’ graves.

Preserving More Than Stones

Co-owner Mary Renee’s military background further deepens their connection to this mission. "All of my grandparents were in the military. I always looked up to both of my grandfathers, so I joined the Army because of them," Renee shares. Her dedication to the veterans’ community aligns perfectly with the values that Manning Memorial Services embodies.

Manning Memorial Services goes beyond creating monuments for veterans; they actively engage in restoring and preserving existing graves. Volunteers are crucial to their efforts, helping to locate, clean, and repair veterans’ headstones across the community. The information gathered is compiled into a database, with photos sent to organizations like Wreaths Across America to ensure that graves are honored every Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Every stone, every name, every story matters. "Everyone has someone dear to them who has served. Everybody has a story of their uncle, father, mother, sibling, love. Everyone has a story," Manning adds. Manning Memorial Services is committed to ensuring these stories are not forgotten. "Bringing our services to cemeteries needs to be done. It has to be done. It is already happening. And it’s starting in Ashland."

Manning Memorial Services continues to recruit volunteers to carry on their mission, hosting community cleaning efforts twice a year. Through these events, they hope to uncover forgotten graves, clean them, and honor their sacrifices with wreaths placed by Wreaths Across America. This commitment ensures that no veteran is forgotten, and their stories continue to be told, not just in Ashland, but across the nation.

"We’re connecting the community back with the tradition of caring for these stones so people can contribute to America's foundation," Manning explains. Volunteers can sign up to help clean the 83 veteran stones at Shiloh Baptist Church by emailing Manning Memorial Services at mmsinva@gmail.com.