How to Support Downtown Ashland on Small Business Saturday

Holidays in Ashland, Virginia

Small Business Saturday is just around the corner, and there's no better time to highlight the significant impact of supporting local businesses, especially in Downtown Ashland. This year, we encourage you not only to shop and dine locally but to consider making a donation to bolster the efforts of the Downtown Ashland Association.

Enhancing Public Spaces & Historic Preservation

Stride through the heart of Ashland's downtown with ease, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Downtown Ashland Association, the Town of Ashland, and urban planners. We invest in walkability, enhancing everything from street lights to planters and expanding sidewalks, ensuring that our downtown is not just welcoming but effortlessly navigable.

Preserving the character is at the forefront of our mission. The Downtown Ashland Association actively supports initiatives that acknowledge our unique history and work hand in hand with partners like the Ashland Museum and Hanover County Black Heritage Society.

Promoting Downtown & Increasing Visitation
We believe in creating vibrant, dynamic spaces that attract visitors and celebrate the essence of our historic downtown. Signature events such as Ashland Train Day and Light Up the Tracks, along with community-building initiatives like Untold Stories, Ashland Fourth Fridays, Ashland Halloween, and more, are orchestrated by the Downtown Ashland Association. These events draw both residents and visitors into our downtown.

Stay informed about these exciting events by following us on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to "Get Centered," our email newsletter.

Supporting Business Growth
For small businesses to thrive, communication and resources are key. Downtown Ashland Association plays a pivotal role by providing workshops, resources, and regular communication on issues that may impact local businesses, fostering a business-friendly environment.

"Eat & Shop Local" is not just a catchphrase for us—it's a mission. We actively promote patronage of Ashland businesses through our events and marketing initiatives. Our partnerships with Market Ashland Partnership and Hanover Chamber of Commerce further amplify the impact of supporting local businesses.

This Small Business Saturday, consider making a difference beyond your purchases. Your donation to Downtown Ashland Association will contribute directly to the growth and sustainability of our local economy, ensuring that Ashland's downtown remains a thriving hub of community, culture, and commerce.