Business Survey

We want your input! All business owners--big, small, new, old, part-time, and full-time--please take the five-minute online survey to help us improve support for entrepreneurs in Hanover County, VA.

Go to to answer 12 questions.

Our goal is to help businesses in our community excel. Please take five minutes to help us better serve you. Based on your feedback, we will create workshops, write grants, and launch programs for small business owners.

Downtown Ashland Association is hosting this survey to learn more about the entrepreneurs in our community and how we can support business growth. Thanks to our partners the Richmond Federal Reserve, Dominion Energy Innovation Center, Hanover Chamber, the Town of Ashland, and Hanover County Economic Development for contributing to the project.

Our goal is to create an ecosystem in Ashland and Hanover County that encourages ALL entrepreneurs to succeed. Our first step is to solicit input from the whole community via the survey. The results will identify strengths and weaknesses in existing business support systems and point us toward more efficient and equitable programming for the future.

Survey responses are anonymous, but all participants have the option to provide their email in order to receive the survey results and information on future programs.

The survey will be open from November 29 to December 9, 2022. Please share the link with friends, family, and colleagues!