Behind the Music with Center Street Sound Company

Center Street Sound Company in Ashland Virginia

There is one GOOD thing that came out of COVID. Center Street Sound Company got their whole family together to bring beats to the Center of the Universe–and the party hasn’t stopped since. Co-owner Tim Robinson goes behind the music in this exclusive interview with Downtown Ashland Association.

DAA: Thanks for joining us today, Tim! To start us off, tell us how Center Street Sound Company came to be.
TIM: Center Street Sound is certainly a product of COVID. Quarantine was a time of reflection for Cristy and I with long hours to ponder our goals in life and how free time would be spent once the world opened back up. Ultimately, we decided on a venture that would lead to adventures and allow music to be a much larger part of our family. We hope to be leaders in our community and leverage what we think to be natural talents. Basically, there is a desire to help people make their events incredible, immerse ourselves in the music culture, and create opportunities for our kids’ futures.   

DAA: The future certainly looks bright! Still, you’ve already had an impressive history. Can you say more on your legacy so far?

TIM: Following the encouragement and support of friends, we launched our brand in 2021. Prior to that I often found myself running sound for bands or local events with Cristy as a backbone bringing skills in finance, logistics, and planning. Music is a huge part of my life and it just made sense to do something more official that supports our passions and expands our boundaries.  To date, we have been rehired for every single gig we have supported. We are excited folks keep asking us to come back.

DAA: Including us! Center Street Sound Co generously provides the sound for Light Up the Tracks, and we can’t wait to have you back on Saturday, November 18, 2023. What do you enjoy about this work?

Center Street Sound Company in Ashland, Virginia

TIM: Every time an event hits a crescendo and it sounds larger than life, I get the biggest grin on my face! Live sound is really tough to do well, and it takes so much effort and planning to put on a good show. When it all goes right, and the band drops the hammer on the crowd it is so cool to be a part of it all. As a gigging musician I know how great it feels to play with great sound, so we strive to give that to every artist and event we support. 

DAA: There is a lot to love there. What is your favorite thing about Center Street Sound Company?
TIM: It’s so fun to help take something to the next level and surprise people with what is possible. I also really enjoy great live music, so I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday night than helping a band bring down the house. Further, the entire music culture around Richmond is pretty special and it is fun that we have become a sought-after resource by musicians I really look up to.

DAA: It sounds like you’ve made some amazing memories already - and you get to share them with your family! 

Center Street Sound Company family in Ashland, Virginia.

TIM: The family adventure is by far the best part. We rise with the sun and load out with the moon as a unit and my kids are learning valuable lessons about life and hard work. Folks seem to enjoy our family dynamic and especially take my son Cooper under their wings to teach him tips and tricks about the art of sound and performing. We have already met lifelong friends and mentors along the way.  The community has been incredibly welcoming and helpful.   

DAA: A true family affair! How are you growing together?

TIM: I think the overall capacity of CSSC is quickly becoming impressive. We have strategic alliances with other companies that allow us to partner up and handle sizable events with ease. Music festivals, DJ services, corporate events, religious services and large public gatherings are all in our wheelhouse. CSSC offers full backline meaning we can provide professional drums kits, keyboards, amps, and instruments. Every penny we make goes into equipment to make the next event even better. We have big plans to quickly scale to our target events.

DAA: Can’t wait to see your big plans come to life! What are you dreaming of for Center Street Sound Company moving forward?

TIM: That it stays humble and authentic and is something that is always focused on creating joy.  Hopefully one of the kids can leverage it to do something amazing with their life, but if not, it's pretty cool the way it is right now.  We are making great memories and having fun along the way.